Adriana Payano
Cover Letter
Reading another person’s language and literacy narrative has given me a different perspective. I gained knowledge on one of the most significant parts of their life that still sticks with them today. But I noticed it’s much more different than what some other people and myself had in mind. Some people tied their narrative in with primarily their culture. I did too, somewhat. This person wrote about a topic they take passion in. Rap music. They grew up with rap and don’t plan on removing it from their life. The significance they had with rap music has opened my eyes and made me realize things that I’ve never thought of myself. As I wrote this peer profile, I tried my absolute best to give a new perspective to others. I believe many people don’t realize how important a specific type of music can be to someone. Some would brush it off and others would take interest in how and why it’s so important. Writing about my rhetorical analysis has helped me and my writing. I looked for details that might help interest readers. There’s no specific target audience. This topic can reach and impact anyone. During this phase, there was one Course Learning Outcome that I achieved. “Explore and analyze, in writing and reading, a variety of genres and rhetorical situations.” Like I mentioned, rap music is something that this person takes passion in. Rap music isn’t a new genre to me but the rhetorical situation in my peer’s narrative helped me gain new knowledge. There is always meaning behind song lyrics.
Peer Profile

This is Jordan Corley, another fellow freshman. Our interview was calmly conducted as we sat in our mostly quiet classroom. It was one of the first times we spoke face to face since being assigned to our groups. I did learn a lot from him based on his narrative and answers to my questions.
Going back, Jordan makes it clear in his narrative that rap music has always been part of him. He grew up with it and seemingly isn’t drifting away from it. Since Jordan claimed that he grew up with rap music, and it made me wonder. Who formally introduced him to rap? “I would say it was my dad because he was an active listener of rap, even to this day.” Jordan goes into detail when this question arises. He says that his dad played rap wherever he went, and even had rap songs as a ringtone. Being so exposed to rap music has caused Jordan to grow accustomed to it, because of this it’s like something he’s so used to.
The use of Jordan’s dad being a prime example to how he grew so close with rap can invoke pathos. It shows how close of a bond he has with his father since he used examples on how his dad influenced him. The influence of rap music from Jordan’s father holds sentimental value. Readers are able to understand how a loved one can hold such influence to the point that you wouldn’t be able to let something go.
Rap music is an important part of Jordan’s life. One of the most eye-opening things he has experienced related to rap music was a time in middle school, when an English teacher of his explained specific rap lyrics to him and his class. They were Kanye lyrics. The lyrics could sound like they have no meaning and simply just rhyme. Jordan did assume those rap lyrics had no real meaning until that time. After learning that all or most rap lyrics actually do have meaning, it has given him a new outlook.
Jordan is asked if he still tries to figure out real meanings behind songs he listens to. He admitted to it. Jordan simply goes on a website, “Genius,” and searches for specific lyrics whenever he’s bored. He believes analyzing those lyrics enhances his understanding of the song and artist. Even though he doesn’t do this for every song he listens to, he feels like he can understand basic meanings of what an artist is trying to say, especially as he grows older. Jordan’s understanding and enjoyment of a song will or will not change based on the meaning. But it doesn’t change the person he was formed into as he grew up with rap music.